For sale, property in Stanjevica rupa
The property has a total area of 32.000m2, of which one part of 9.173m2 is near the school and the rest, an area of 22.762m2 is by the road
ID - 6366For sale, property in Stanjevica rupa
The property has a total area of 32.000m2, of which one part of 9.173m2 is near the school and the rest, an area of 22.762m2 is by the road
Vera Vukčević
Executive DirectorSale
On request
ID - 6416
For sale, a property - vineyard in Vuksan Lekić, Tuzi The property has an area of 14.947m2
LAND - Podgorica
14947 m2
ID - 6372
For sale, plot of land in Zeta, with an area of 3.060m2. There is a road to the plot and electricity on the plot
LAND - Podgorica
3060 m2